The Men
O Wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in’t!
The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1
Irreparable is the loss, and patience
Says it is past her cure
The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1

First Hold
Second Hold
TWO HOLD Adam, George Currie Lance Corp. 3053623 Argyle U 2.10.42
Royal Scots Aitchison, Alex Private 3054816
Allan, Hugh Hamilton Private 3063607 W 19.12 U 2.10.42
Allan, Thomas Lance Sergeant 3054398 W 19.12
Allison, Patrick Joseph Private 3055948 U 2.10.42
Alsey, Arthur Sergeant 3053779
Amos, Thomas Private 3055412 H 19.12
Anderson, John McLeod Private 3055011 U 2.10.42
Andrew, Matthew Beaton Private 3055215 S U 2.10.42
Archibald, Robert Miller Private 3054433 U 2.10.42
Archibald, William Private 3063611 U 2.10.42
Auld, Alexander Private 3052678 S U 2.10.42
Bain, George Private 3055961 W 24.12
Bain, John Harper Lance Corp. 3055225 U 2.10.42
Baird, Douglas H. 2nd Lieutenant 186949 W 19.12
Banks, George Private 3055982 RNH
Barker, Charles ‘Chick’ Sergeant 3054025
Barnes, John Private 3054424 U 2.10.42
Barron, John W. CSM 3045037 S
Bateman, Frank Lance Corp. 3059167
Bell, David Bowie Private 3063614 W 24.12 WMH U 2.10.42
Bell, Robert Corporal 3054020
Bell, Thomas Baxter Private 3054412 K 6.1.45
Benson, John CQMS 3051559 H 20.12 QMH
Berg, John Private 3054294
Berry, Thomas Malcolm Private 3054386 U 2.10.42
Black, Andrew Christie Private 3054080 W 19.12 U 2.10.42
Black, David Lance Corp. 3054833
Blackie, Arthur Henry Corporal 3054165 W 25.12 WMH K 24.1.43
Booth, James Dunbar Sergeant 2874392 K 18.10.42
Bowes, George William Lieutenant 205366 K 4.3.43
Bowes, Johnstone Private 3055965 W 20.12 H 20.12 QMH
Boyle, Hugh Private 3053138 U 2.10.42
Brownlow, Norman 2nd Lieutenant 179736 Assistant Adjutant
Bryant, Joseph Private 3053735
Burnett, Alexander B. Private 3052803 U 2.10.42
Burnett, Peter Lance Corp. 3054976 U 2.10.42
Burns, Thomas McDermid Lance Corp. 3055018 W U 2.10.42
Butterfield, Edward Private 3055692 K 7.11.42
Butterworth, Jack Corporal 3054173 W 24.12 WMH
Cameron, David Private 3054429
Campbell, James Private 3055253 U 2.10.42
Campbell, Neil Lance Corp. 3054379
Carrington, William Private 3055976 W 19.12 U 2.10.42
Carruthers, John Private 3053655 W
Chalmers, Alexander Private 2880057 U 2.10.42
Chalmers, Andrew Corporal 3054504 K 2.6.43
Chalmers, Gordon Lance Corp. 3053776
Charlton, Rennison Private 3054558 U 2.10.42
Christie, George A. Private 2818250 U 2.10.42
Clapperton, James Private 3055328 U 10.9.45
Clapperton, Robert Corporal 46786 U 2.10.42
Clark, James Private 3187171 U 2.10.42
Clark, James W.O.III 3047653
Clelland, Robert Private 3054822
Cockburn, James Lance Corp. 3052764
Cody, William Private 3052046
Coleman, Patrick Private 3053270 W 19.12 U 2.10.42
Combe, Alexander Hunter Corporal 2979624 W 16.12 U 2.10.42
Coneghan, James Private 3054426 U 2.10.42
Cook, Alex Private 3054438
Cook, Henry Private 3050398 W 20.12 22.12 QMH U 2.10.42
Cook, James Lance Corp. 3054069 U 2.10.42
Cook, Walter Lance Corp. 3061553 W 11.12
Cooper, Thomas Sergeant 3054445
Cornwall, Andrew Private 3055714 W 19.12 20.12 QMH U 2.10.42
Coyle, Jack Private 3053620 W 9.12
Craig, Albert Lance Corp. 3055936
Crichton, George Private 3054865 U 2.10.42
Crichton, George Sergeant 3051253
Crichton, Thomas Easton Corporal 3050013 W 19.12 K 12.12.42
Crocker, Albert Private 3958887 W 23.12
Cronin, Patrick Private 3053652
Cuthbertson, Norman H. Captain 74594 Adj. W 23.12 K 17.10.42
Daly, Joseph Hunter Private 3055918 W 21.12 U 2.10.42
Davidson, Archibald Private 3054213
Dibble, Dennis Private 3054839
Dickson, George Jackson Private 3055960 U 2.10.42
Dickson, James Private 3063538
Dobson, James Private 3055401
Donnely, John Lance Corp. 3054473 U 2.10.42
Downie, George Corporal 3054428 W 22.12
Downing, Harold Lance Corp. 3054408
Downs, Robert Private 3059108 W
Drummond, Robert Private 3061268
Dryburgh, Charles Private 3053671
Duff, Joseph Parkerson Private 3054089 K 8.3.43
Duncan, David Private 3054517
Duncan, Georger Private 3053398
Duncan, James Private 3053748
Duncan, Mungo Corporal 3051836
Dunlop, George Lance Corp. 3245377 W 18.12 U 2.10.42
Durie, George Brown Lance Sergeant 3053692 U 2.10.42
Duthie, Charles Private 636138
Edgar, David Private 3054041
Edgar, Robert Private 3054528 K 19.2.43
Edge, Leonard Lance Corp. 3054374 U 2.10.42
Egan, John Private 3312481 U 2.10.42
Ellis, Ernest Private 3054506 U 2.10.42
Elmy, Claude E. Private 3054477 H 20.12 QMH
Elvin, George Private 3063581 W 24.12
Embleton, William Private 3054566 U 2.10.42
Evans, William Private 3054981 W 11.12
Fairbairn, Alexander D. Private 3055928 U 2.10.42
Fairbairn, Geoffrey D. 2nd Lieutenant. 184664 Shanghai
Fairley, Harold Private 3059114 S
Farish, Robert Sergeant 763691
Farmer, George Lance Corp. 3059158 K 5.7.43
Fergus, John Sergeant 3052141 Shanghai K 2.10.42
Findlay, Edward Private 2029542 U 2.10.42
Fleming, David Private 3053961 W
Ford, George Private 3054539 U 2.10.42
Forrest, Nathaniel Private 3053787 W 23.12
Forrest, William Private 3055962
Forsyth, James Private 3053725
Foster, John Private 3046579
Fowler, William Menzies Private 3054196
Fraser, Edward Private 3053610
Fraser, William Noble Sergeant 3049325 K 12.3.43
Freeman, Sydney Sergeant 3049296 W 11.12
Fullerton, Thomas Private 3053684 W 22.12 U 2.10.42
Fyffe, Neil Private 3053612 S U 2.10.42
Gardiner, George Private 3054498 U 2.10.42
Gardner, Andrew Pollock Private 3055001 U 2.10.42
Gardyne, David Lance Corp. 3054085 W 23.12
Garrie, Daniel Corporal 3054061
Garth, Patrick Corporal 3055939 U 2.10.42
Gauld, Georger Private 3054067
Gibb, Peter Lance Corp. 825665
Gibson, Hugh Lance Corp. 3053728 U 2.10.42
Gibson, Richard Lance Corp. 3054008 U 2.10.42
Gilroy, Dennis W. Private 3051873 S
Godfrey, Albert Private 3053207
Godson, Austin W.O.II 3049334 U 2.10.42
Goldie, Charles Private 3053767 U 2.10.42
Golightly, Harold Private 3053765 S
Goodfellow, Isaac RSM 3050915 K 31.10.42
Gordon, William Private 2874414 W 21.12
Gorman, Thomas Private 3055350
Gough, Albert Stanley H. Drummer 3054530 K 5.8.43
Gow, James Private 3054415 Kobe
Gracie, John Corporal 3054033 W 23.12 RNH
Grainger, James Private 3054844 U 2.10.42
Grant, Edward Private 3054206 U 2.10.42
Gray, Henry Private 3055687 S 25.12 WMH
Gray, Ian Private 3055728 W K 3.3.43
Greenan, James Private 3054215 W 11.12
Greig, George Private 2876800
Greig, Joseph Private 3055733 W 19.12 23.12 QMH K 2.3.43
Greig, William Private 3055409 W 11.12 [48] U 2.10.42
Groves, John Private 3056324
Hadden, David Private 3054976 H 23.12 WMH
Hale, Harry Corporal 3054183 W 9.12 & 20.12 Shanghai
Hall, Lovatt Private 3051407
Hall, Samuel Private 3312015 U 2.10.42
Hall, Thomas Sergeant 3051855 W 23.12 U 2.10.42
Hallyburton, Alex Private 3055661 W 24.12 WMH
Hamill, Thomas Private 3054391 W 21.12 U 2.10.42
Hamilton, Geoffrey C. 2nd Lieutenant ex-HKVDC
Hamilton, Isaac Private 3053609 W 11.12 U 2.10.42
Hanson, Bernard S. Private 3059132
Harlow, Harry Lance Corp. 3059154 Argyle K 15.11.42
Hart, Colin James Lieutenant 177486 W RNH 19.12 K 18.10.42
Hart, Robert Private 3055004 U 2.10.42
Harvey, James Private 3054818 W 24.12 U 2.10.42
Harvie, Robert Private 3054059
Havercroft, Samuel Private 3054791 U 2.10.42
Haywood, K. Roy 2nd Lieutenant 153048 Shanghai
Henderson, David C/Sergeant 3050476 U 2.10.42
Henderson, Francis Drummer 3054418 U 2.10.42
Hickenbottom, Dennis Private 3054454
Hodkinson, Kenneth T. Private 3055984 U 2.10.42
Holden, Luke Private 3055185
Hughes, William Private 3054029 W 21.12 WMH U 2.10.42
Hume, George Private 3053756 Shanghai
Hunter, Adam Private 3050308
Hutchison, James Private 3055398
Hutchison, William Private 2750645 W 23.12 U 2.10.42
Hynes, James Private 2755192
Ingols, Robert Private 2753998
Irving, Malcolm Private 3054163 S U 2.10.42
Jackson, George Allborn Private 3054098 U 2.10.42
James, William Anderson Private 3054486 W 21.12 K 22.7.43
Jeffrey, Andrew Buchan Private 3055283 U 2.10.42
Jenkins, Charles Private 3054979 U 2.10.42
Jenkins, Ernest Corporal 3054179 U 2.10.42
Jenkins, John Private 3055236
Johnston, James Private 3054478 W 23.12 U 2.10.42
Johnston, Robert James Private 3312573 W 19.12 U 2.10.42
Keel, George Private 2928967
Kelly, Maurice Private 3055718 U 2.10.42
Kelly, Michael Private 3054560
Kelly, Thomas Private 3059293
Kennedy, Charles Private 3054479
Kennedy, John Alexander Private 2874298 U 2.10.42
Kennedy, Richard Private 3053727 S
Kilpatrick, Hugh Private 3054100 W 19.12
Kilpatrick, William Corporal 3053782 W 24.12 H 25.12 WMH
King, George Private 3053209
Kirby, Alfred Private 3061781 U 2.10.42
Laird, John Lance Corp. 3054842 W 9.12
Lamb, Peter McDonald Private 3054188 S U 2.10.42
Laws, Andrew Private 3055551
Lawson, Alexander B. Private 3053784 W 25.12 K 31.5.43
Letford, Terrane Private 3059363
Linklater, Arthur Private 3054084 W 19.12 U 2.10.42
Lintott, George Private 3055000 Argyle U 2.10.42
Livingstone, James Private 3053783
Lochrie, George S. Lance Sergeant 3054097 W 22.12 U 2.10.42
Logan, Sydney Private 3063125 U 2.10.42
Louden, Robert Private 825728 W 11.12
Loughlin, Andrew Corporal 3050176 W 22.12
Lourie, James Private 3063664
Mackay, William Private 2927763 U 2.10.42
MacKie, Earnest Private 3054054
Marshall, Henry Gibson Private 7884695 U 2.10.42
Marshall, Thomas Private 3051064 U 2.10.42
Martin, James Private 3063668 W 10.12
Martin, John Private 3055168 W 9.12
Mayle, Alfred Private 8932420
McAlarney, Joseph Lance Corp. 3054207 W K 17.1.43
McBain, Robert Private 3054073 Argyle
McCallum, William Corporal 3055201 Argyle U 2.10.42
McClure, Peter Private 3053727 W 24.12 QMH
McCorquindale, George Lance Corp. 3059295 W 19.12
McCulloch, William Private 3044711 W 18.12 U 2.10.42
McDermott, Cornelius Private 3312004 U 2.10.42
McDonagh, William Private 3054410
McDonald, Donald Private 3055730 W RNH
McDougal, J. Private 3053495 H 15.12 SPH
McEvoy, William Private 3063697
McGhee, James Preston 2nd Lieutenant 180036 S 25.12 WMH U 1.10.42
McGillivray, James Private 3053697 U 2.10.42
McGready, Francis Lance Corp. 3312484 S
McHattey, Stanley Private 3053696
McHugh, Bernard Private 3528442 S U 2.10.42
McIntosh, Thomas Private 3063700 S
McKenzie, Alex Corporal 3054201 W 19.12
McKinlay, Robert Piper 3054096 U 2.10.42
McLean, Andrew M. Private 2980621 H 20.12 QMH U 2.10.42
McLenan, Cyril Private 3054954 W 11.12
McMeechan, Hugh M. Private 3055184 U 2.10.42
McNeil, Archibald Private 3055702
McPherson, Charles D. Private 3063711 W 21.12 QMH U 2.10.42
McSherry, Peter Private 2975315 U 2.10.42
McVean, John Lance Corp. 3063713
Mead, James Charles E. CSM 3046672 W 9.12 U 2.10.42
Miles, Mickey ? Private -93
Miller, James Private 3054508
Miller, Alan Private 3059019 K 6.3.43
Miller, Donald Private 3063332 U 2.10.42
Moore, Ralph Private 3055312 W 11.12
Morris, Alfred Lance Corp. 3054516
Morris, Richard Private 3054809 W 21.12 U 2.10.42
Morrow, John Alexander Lance Corp. 3059290 K 22.10.42
Morrow, William Lance Corp. 3054065 U 2.10.42
Mowatt, John Private 3055341 S
Moyes, Henry Bandsman 3054403 K 26.3.43
Muir, Henry Private 3053799 S
Munroe, John Lance Corp. 3054422
Munroe, Robert Private 3055246
Murray, Thomas Private 3055672
Murray, William Private 3063686 S U 2.10.42
Myles, Frank Private 3054053 Shanghai
Myles, James Private 3055407 W K 30.10.42
Myles, Ronald Lance Corp. 3054375
Naysmith, Robert Private 3059443
Neill, Malcolm Private 3055357 W 23.12
Nisbet, William Private 3055005 S 25.12 QMH
Nicol, William Corporal 3054452 W 25.12
O’Connor, Michael Oliver Private 3055943 U 2.10.42
O’Neil, Peter Private 3055936
O’Rourke, Thomas Private 3055389 W U 2.10.42
Octon, Ben Lance Sergeant 3053704 W 23.12 QMH
Ormiston, John Mitchell Lance Corp. 3059298 U 2.10.42
Owen, Leonard Private 3054937
Packman, John Private 3053382
Park, Hamilton White Corporal 3053694 Stanley W K 18.11.42
Paterson, Henry Private 3054793 U 2.10.42
Pattullo, David Private 3053616 W 19.12 K 7.2.43
Pavlou, Christos Private 3054162
Peffers, Adam Corporal 3051813 U 2.10.42
Penman, Robert Corporal 3054055 W 19.12
Phillips, Joseph Lance Corp. 3054068 K 13.10.42
Phillips, Reginald Ernest Lance Corp. 3054045 U 2.10.42
Plummer, Donald Private 3055371
Pollock, James Private 3063734 W 19.12 CSUC U 2.10.42
Powell, William John Lance Corp. 3055656 U 2.10.42
Proven, William Private 3313451
Ramsay, John Fitcher Private 3055647 U 2.10.42
Rankine, Duncan CQMS 3050903 W 22.12
Rees, John Private 3055169 W 21.12
Reilley, Patrick Private 3059429
Richards, Robert William Sergeant 3051826 S U 2.10.42
Ritchie, Robert Hyslop Private 3054099 U 2.10.42
Ritchie, Thomas Private 3055273
Robertson, Mornington Corporal 2566140 U 2.10.42
Robson, Alex Lance Corp. 3054709
Rodgers, Percy Private 3055183
Rompen, George Private 4448040 U 2.10.42
Ross, John Connacher Private 3055736 U 2.10.42
Ross, Phillip Morley Lance Corp. 3063115 W 23.12
Russell, Alexander Lance Corp. 3054869 U 2.10.42
Scott, Alexander C. Private 3053649 U 2.10.42
Scott, Donald Private 3128873 U 2.10.42
Scott, James CQMS 3049685
Scott, Robert Ferrie Private 3053792 U 2.10.42
Scott, Thomas Private 3054570 W 11.12
Sharrock, Harold Maynard Lance Corp. 3054194 U 2.10.42
Sims, William Lance Sergeant 3052614 S
Sinclair, Alexander G. Private 3063759 K 13.10.42
Sinclair, James Corporal 3054529
Skinner, John Corporal 3054151 U 2.10.42
Smith, _tey Private 870142
Smith, John Private 3055703
Smith, Matthew PSM 2977171 MiD U 2.10.42
Smith, Patrick Corporal 3048063 U 2.10.42
Smylie, John Private 3309539
Spalding, George Private 3054046
Spooner, William Private 3054167 S 25.12 WMH Shanghai
Stancer, Frank Lewis Lieutenant 184087 W 22.12 23.12 QMH U 1.10.42
Stanford, Frederick CSM 6908612 U 2.10.42
Stanners, Adam Ramsey Private 3054521 U 2.10.42
Steedman, Thomas Private 3054246
Stenhouse, Andrew Private 3054082
Stephens, Alec Private 3054840
Stevens, David Private 3055954
Stevenson, James Sergeant 3054427
Stewart, Forbes Piper 3053467 U 2.10.42
Stewart, Norman Private 3063768
Stewart, Thomas Private 825378 Argyle
Stewart, William G. Corporal 3211328 W 23.12 U 2.10.42
Stoddart, Hector CQMS 3050713 W 24.12 WMH
Stuart, James Private 3054035
Summers, Robert Sergeant 3053397 W 22.12 QMH
Swan, James Private 3055330 W 21.12
Symons, James Private 3054439 W 21.12
Tait, Robert Private 3063568 W 21.12 U 2.10.42
Taylor, Alexander Colour Sergeant 3051885 K 5.12.43
Taylor, Cyril Private 3054936
Thomas, George Private 3054993 H 20.12 QMH
Thompson, Alex Private. 3054129
Thomson, Alexander Private 2877781 U 2.10.42
Thomson, Andrew Private 3055945 S U 2.10.42
Thomson, David Haston Private 3051845 S U 2.10.42
Thomson, Victor Private 3054058
Toothill, Robert Ernest Private 3059144 H 20.12 QMH K 21.2.43
Townsley, Joseph Private 3054372 S
Trinder, George RQMS 3049838 U 2.10.42
Urquhart, George Private 3054127
Vesco, Frank Private 3063785 W 19.12
Wakefield, Joseph W. Private 4973727 RNH U 2.10.42
Walker, John Corporal 3050659 H 21.12
Walker, Leighton William Major 38495 W 22.12 U 2.10.42
Walker, William Sergeant 2874626 U 2.10.42
Wallace, Alex Lance Corp. 3053709
Walters, John Private 3054946 W U 2.10.42
Watson, Thomas Private 3055227 W
Watters, James Private 3053395
Webster, William Private 3055994
Welsh, James Blaney Private 3054597 U 2.10.42
White, Robert Drummer 3054849 U 2.10.42
Wilkinson, GeorgeE. Private 3054222 W 22.12 QMH
Williamson, Isaac Private 3054088
Williamson, James Private 3054063 U 2.10.42
Wills, Sydney Private 3054524
Wilson, Charles Edward Lance Corp. 3054164 U 2.10.42
Wilson, James Lance Corp. 3059360
Wilson, Robert Lance Corp. 3061716
Wilson, William Private 3061420
Woolwright, Alfred Lance Sergeant 3054082 U 2.10.42
Wyllie, William Private 3050493 S U 2.10.42

Third Hold