So, I invite your highness and your train
To my poor cell, where you shall take your rest
For this one night, which part of it I’ll waste
With such discourse as I not doubt shall make it
Go quick away: the story of my life,
And the particular accidents gone by
The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1
First book reviews
So, I invite your highness and your train
To my poor cell, where you shall take your rest
For this one night, which part of it I’ll waste
With such discourse as I not doubt shall make it
Go quick away: the story of my life,
And the particular accidents gone by
The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1
The Book
This book, "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru: Britain's Forgotten Wartime Tragedy", is now available from Hong Kong University Press and Hong Kong bookshops.
No reviews are yet available, but they will be posted here as soon as they appear.
The original book in this series was "Not the Slightest Chance - The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941". This is a detailed study of the defeat of Hong Kong at Japanese hands in December of that year.
A number of reviews of this work are available online. Aside from those on Amazon, they include: